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June 17, 2021, Ride #8-60.82kms (Come on Body, Just 140 more Kms!)

What a great evening this was to get out and ride! 24 degrees with plenty of sun and moderate humidity, just great cycling conditions! I had some battle with anxiety prior to getting out on the road, but I knew cycling would shrink away that anxiety faster than a wallet full of bills at Rib Fest! My calf muscles have started to tighten up, and I am hoping some compression socks will help with that. I recently invested in a new seat and seat cover to provide better padding, because my butt is starting to hurt so much that once I get off the bike, I don’t want to hop back on lol. Yes, it is all coming back to me now from last summer, oh that 140km ride, my butt hurt so much I had bone bruises for days!

Anyway, enough about that! I had a great tailwind the first half of this ride, and the speed felt great! I braced myself for a difficult ride back but surprisingly it wasn't bad at all! I felt pretty good out there and was thinking this was quite an uneventful ride until…I was turning left onto Kilally from Highbury, using my proper hand signals when someone honked repeatedly at me and told me to get off the road. I told myself prior to this ride that I would not respond if things like that happen, but I tell you, with my personality, it is so hard not to get fired up! So, there I go, waving at the vehicle, putting out my arm to say, 'what did I do wrong?' and shaking my head…shortly afterwards, I said to myself, 'man Freddy, you lost your cool again! Lol,' I'm working on it 8). I am here making a solemn pact with all of you and myself, 'unless something more dramatic happens than too close of cars, and or being yelled or honked at, I am going to do my best to ignore them, and even if I don't ignore them, I will no longer bring it up on here because those kinds of behaviours do not deserve attention. Due to my O.C.D. and over-adjustments to being bullied for years in school, along with my natural sensitivities and calm or pop personality, it is super hard not to react and dwell on it for hours, but I shall try! Funny thing, all that cycling and my muscles held up, but it was when taking my bike down the stairs afterwards that I tweaked a hammy lol. Anyone got any spare muscle rub and a time machine to go back 20 years?

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