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June 10, 2021-50kms (Come on, Don't Let Them Mean Drivers Take Away Your Joy, You're 25% There!)

I picked a wonderful day to go cycling, taking on 50kms today and reaching the quarter mark of my 200km goal! I have heard many people ask if nice weather helps my mood, and the truthful answer for me is no, not when I am struggling heavily. In fact, if I can't manage to get out of my home, nice weather often makes me feel worse because it is a visual reminder of what I am missing out on. But, when I can both get out and exercise, well, that has often been a difference maker in my day, and this day was no different! I had an ugly heart today, that bitter, irritable, life sucks demeanor, but thankfully, spending time with my parents, and getting out cycling completely melted away that hardened persona that often creeps into me during very dark moods. A few people have shown concern about my cycling route, so let me please take a brief moment to explain my decision. Is cycling on the main country roads the safest method? Well no, cycling on the bike paths would be the safest but that is just not suitable for my purposes. I am cycling large distances here, and to cycle on bike pathways would involve numerous bumps, curves, and pot holes to contend with, a ringing of my bell hundreds of times to warn fellow path users, constant stopping and going in response to other users, a 20km/h speed limit, and a dizzying back and forth trail usage. What about city roads? Now, this I do find somewhat dangerous personally. Not only do you still have countless obstacles which are hard on a road bike and the cyclist, you now have numerous lights and stop signs, and the far riskier task of watching out for motorists. Many motorists are very distracted, and I find little pleasure in traffic noise and exhaust fumes. Yes, my place for this goal is out on those beautiful country roads where I have a full right to be. It is less busy than the city roads, and by far most cars are respectful and patient, giving me plenty of room and recognizing my right to being there just as much as theirs. I consistently get one or 2 drivers who visibly express their displeasure of sharing the road, but just like I try to do with advocating for mental illness, I will not back down, and will continue to express my legal right to be on those roads.

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